Sunday, March 15, 2009

Getting Ready

I am incapable of packing lightly. There are clothes strung across my room, some of which I don't remember even wearing since I got here. I have no idea how I'm going to pack for this trip (where we'll be going to Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, and China in that order), Korea, the basement of Musser, and home in the next 24 hours. I also feel really bad for my mom because I could have been neater. Hypothetically.

So this is probably the fourth blog I've tried in my lifetime, and I don't think I've ever made it past 3 posts before. I'll try very hard to do better this time. I know you all want to learn about the (mis)adventures I'm going to get into between Wednesday (since we don't land until then) and June 3rd when I return. Oh, and as far as returning plans go, I'll be at Carleton for a couple of days to say goodbye to all of my lovely seniors and then I will be going home until I go to Korea (yay!)

This will be a sporadically posted blog. I actually don't even know how often we'll have internet access or if I'll be able to access this in Asia. That would be disappointing because I've just wasted the past ten minutes making this. Oh well.

I'm going to end this now and say I will stay safe and not drink the water. And I will miss all of you a lot, but reflecting now on the size of my suitcase, I can't take any of you with me that I had previously promised. Sorry. We'll go when we're rich and famous, k?

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